Devin Electrolysis
Louise A. Devin, RE
Louise A. Devin is a Registered Electrologist practicing in the Norwood Area since 1989 and licensed in the State of Massachusetts since 1988. She is adept at all three modalities, shortwave thermolysis, Galvanic, and the Blend Method.
When appropriate we can also provide the latest in light based hair removal
technology for body areas, sometimes in combination with electrolysis for
excellent results.
Meghan (Murphy) Gabriel is licensed In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a Registered Laser Electrologist.
She is adept at Short Wave Thermolysis, Galvanic and the Blend Electrolysis modalities as well as Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Hair Removal.
Her enthusiasm for the profession is evident in her work with her clients.
Contact information, office locations, and appointment hours are available on our Contact page.
Member of Massachusetts Association of Electrologists
The Massachusetts Association of Electrologists, Inc. (MAE) is a not-for-profit organization primarily dedicated to the continuing education of electrologists as a vehicle to maintain the highest level in practitioner conduct and service execution.
Past Member of Massachusetts Board of Registration
The Board of Registration of Cosmetology and Barbering protects the public through regulation of the practice of cosmetology, barbering, and electrology in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in accordance with applicable statutes, regulations, and policies. The Board issues licenses to qualified individuals, businesses, and schools to engage in the practice of each profession, and seeks to ensure the continued protection of the public health, safety, and well-being by maintaining high standards for each industry.
Other Credentials
Electrolysis Tip
For a more comfortable treatment, avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment.
Electrolysis Tip
Talk to your electrologist about any questions or concerns. We want your experience to be as comfortable and effective as possible.
Did you know?
If your electrologist can't see the hairs, they can't zap the hairs. Plucking, waxing, threading, or tweezing before your hair removal appointment reduces the number of hairs your electrologist can remove.
Electrolysis Tip
Clean skin releases unwanted hair more easily. Remove your makeup before your appointment, so the hair follicles are clean and accessible.
Electrolysis Tip
It's okay to shave between treatments, but never, ever tweeze!
Did you Know?
Electrology is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the FDA.
Electrolysis Tip
Ask your electrologist for aftercare advice. We can recommend the product that is right for your skin and treatment program.
Did you know?
The hair you see is not all the hair you have. Hair grows in cycles. That's why it takes more than one appointment to permanently clear an area.
Did you know?
Gently exfoliating your skin before your treatment opens up the follicles and lets the unwanted hair slide out more easily.
Electrolysis Tip
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Drinking plenty of water helps unwanted hair slide right out.
For Athletes
For Breasts & Sensitive Areas
For Coarse, Wavy Hair
For Darker Skin
For Hormonal Changes/PCOS
For Men
For Teenagers
For Transgender
Devin Electrolysis
Louise A. Devin, RE
15 Cottage Street
1st Floor
Norwood, MA 02062
American Electrology Association
Massachusetts Association of Electrologists
Massachusetts Board of Registration
Registered Electrologist
Licensed Electrologist
Massachusetts Board of Registration approved Laser / Electrolysis provider
Shortwave (Thermolysis)
Light Based Hair Removal- which includes Laser and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)All of our equipment is the newest technology available
Norwood, MA*
and surrounding areas
* Indicates that an office is located at this location